Blue Buttercream


During a session with her counsellor, a young woman with a chronic pain condition relives memories from her past and observes how her life has transformed because of her disease.

BLUE BUTTERCREAM begins with our protagonist Ava at her therapy session, throughout the session questions are asked which trigger memories of the last few months. We see her fall in love, we meet her friends and we see Ava’s chronic pain relapse begin. As her physical mobility breaks down, her internal reality becomes distorted. Memories become more distressing. Stymied of an ability to understand her body and to translate her experience to others, her capacity to function becomes increasingly difficult and her tolerance for intimacy breaks. As her counsellor asks Ava: what does she want, how could she achieve it? The film asks the audience to consider the limits of our identity in bodily terms, are the range of our experiences bound by our physical selves?


Ava – Martha Crow

Counsellor – Serena Bunn

Olly – Bruce Allinson 

Grace – Shannon Hayes

Mum – Juliet Knight

Dad – Christian Burgess


Director – Santiago Giraldo Arboleda

Writer – Martha Crow

Producer – Masha Thorpe

Co-Producer – Martha Crow

Executive Producer – James Patterson

Director of Photography – Fyras Slaiman

Production Designer – Isabel Alsina-Reynolds

Editor – Alicja Rymarowicz

Costume Designer – Ellie Campbell

Music Composer – Will Markham 

Music Supervisor – Miles Mcallister

Additional Music – Ben Porter

Additional Music – Miles Mcallister

Unit Production Manager – Lucy Vikki Pardo

First Assistant Director – Susanna Newman

Second Assistant Director – Jamila Versi

Script Supervisor – Izzy Searle

Movement Co-ordinator – Elliot Minogue-Stone

Production Assistant – Hannah Brownlie

Production Assistant – Days Lowey

Art Director – Ella Bright

1st AC – Recel Wynsley Tonelada

Stills Photographer – Chloe Wells

Gaffer – Katerina Vahalova

Spark – Django Pinter

Sound Recordists – Isabel Sanchez Danieli and Charlie Hinde

Key HMU – Hanni Wellian

Sound Designer – Miles Mcallister

Colourist – Sebastian Ziabka

ADR Recordist – Yuri Shibuichi and Santiago Giraldo Arboleda

ADR Mixer – Miles Mcallister

Title Design –  Alicja Rymarowicz

Graphic Designer – Can Köroğlu

Original Score

Composer by Will Markham

Arranged by Will Markham

Licensed Music 

‘Logan 3’

Performed by SZRCA

Written by Benjamin Porter

Published by Kayak Records

Caterers – Hot Boti and Plant Based So It Is

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